Sunday, April 19, 2020

To God Be The Glory!

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You've heard what my ancestors and I have done to other nations. Were the gods of those nations able to defend their land against us?  None of those gods kept their people safe from the kings of Assyria. Do you really think your God can do any better?  Don't be fooled by Hezekiah! No god of any nation has ever been able to stand up to Assyria. Believe me, your God cannot keep you safe!  The Assyrian officials said terrible things about the LORD God and his servant Hezekiah.  Sennacherib's letter even made fun of the LORD. It said, "The gods of other nations could not save their people from Assyria's army, and neither will the God that Hezekiah worships." 

2 Chronicles 32:13-17 - Contemporary English Version

If you are keeping up with the daily reports on the Pandemic you may already know that the Governor of New York said:

"Our behavior has stopped the spread of the virus. God did not stop the spread of the virus.  And what we do, how we act, will dictate how that virus spreads."

And he is quoted as saying:

"The number is down because we brought the number down. God did not do that. Fate did not do that. Destiny did not do that. A lot of pain and suffering did that."

Do not be surprised if those who challenge the Creator of all there is find themselves suffering the consequences of such foolishness!  

Our task as human beings is to proclaim the Majesty of God, not defame His Glory!  To say that God is not involved in protecting those who have not contracted the virus and in healing those who have is indeed beyond reason.  

If you are worried about the Pandemic, cry out to God for help and praise Him for all the healing that comes your way!  God is Great and God is Good and His blessings come to all men every day!

"Lord Jesus, You are our only hope in every situation, even this Pandemic!  May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever.  Amen."

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Hear God's Voice Today

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All day long I will tell the wonderful things you do to save your people. But you have done much more than I could possibly know.  I will praise you, LORD God, for your mighty deeds and your power to save.  You have taught me since I was a child, and I never stop telling about your marvelous deeds.  Don't leave me when I am old and my hair turns gray. Let me tell future generations about your mighty power. 

Psalms 71:15-18 - Contemporary English Version

I remember as a child becoming aware of God and of His attempting to teach me things I did not know!  Of course, verses in the Bible were the foundation of what God spoke to me.  But it was when the truths I heard from the Bible became the truths I saw in my life and the lives of those around me that the Voice of God was more than just a written message!

I am blessed that hearing God's Voice started when I was a child, but if you are already old and have never heard from Him, He is ready and willing to speak to you today!  

Most of the world is on the verge of panic because of a pandemic that could touch any one of us today!  The world wide reaction to the corona virus has taken away many of the distractions that kept us from thinking about the certainty that we all will leave this earth in at most a few decades!  

If you have been listening to God since you were a child, or if you are now old and have never heard His Voice, today is the day to open up your ears to God!

"Lord God, everyone seems to have something to say about this world-wide plague that has come upon us.  But Lord, only Your Word about what we must do is Truth.  Speak to me today and let me rest in the knowledge that You are God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth!  May Your Name be praised now and forever.  Amen."