Saturday, November 26, 2011

Prayer of Agur!

Listen to this blog.

“There are two things, Lord, I want you to do for me
before I die:

Make me absolutely honest and don’t let me be too poor
or too rich.  Give me just what I need.

If I have too much to eat, I might forget about you;
if I don’t have enough,  I might steal  and disgrace your name.”

Proverbs 30:7-9

These words are attributed to a man named Agur son of Jakeh. This prayer of Agur is easy to ignore.

When you hear the words "How can I help you?" from a clerk in a store your response is to quickly get to the point of what you looking for. When God says "How can I help you?" how do you respond?

If God were to show up at your door today and offer to give you whatever you want, what would you say? Would you ask God for new "stuff" or a big bank account? Would you ask Him for health so you can enjoy the new "stuff?"

These words in Proverbs 30 are very wise indeed. The writer asked for two things from God before he dies. "God make me absolutely honest and don't let me be too poor or too rich."

Of all the accolades proclaimed about President Lincoln there is one that tops them all in my opinion. It was simply the nickname "Honest Abe!" The temptation to not always tell the truth is overwhelming to most of us. When you have a headache and are coming down with a cold how do you respond to the question "How are you doing today?" "I'm fine" is not an honest answer. When a vending machine gives you an extra quarter in change what do you do with it? We define a liar as someone who goes at least one step beyond our level of dishonesty.

Before you speak a word today ask yourself this question: Is what I am about to say absolutely honest? Let the words that come out of your mouth today be completely truthful.

The Prayer of Jabez may be more appealing, but don't forget the Bible also includes the Prayer of Agur!

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