Thursday, December 8, 2011

It May Be Today!

Listen to this blog.

From the throne a voice said, “If you worship and fear our God, give praise to him, no matter who you are.”

Then I heard what seemed to be a large crowd that sounded like a roaring flood and loud thunder all mixed together. They were saying, “Praise the Lord! Our Lord God All-Powerful now rules as king.

So we will be glad and happy and give him praise. The wedding day of the Lamb is here, and his bride is ready.

Revelation 19:5-7

What does a bride have to do to get ready for the wedding? The list can be very long or it can be relatively short, but there is always a list of "Things to do" before the wedding day. There are parties, showers, gifts, reception plans and of course the dress. I suppose the dress is at the top of the preparation list. If everything else is perfect and the dress is not right it would certainly be a disappointment if not an outright embarrassment.

If you are a Christian, do you have list of things to do in preparation for the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb?" Christians are not just invited to attend the wedding of Jesus and His Bride, they are His Bride! Just saying those words really takes my breath away. What God has planned for those who give themselves to Jesus is beyond amazing. It is truly incomprehensible!

The Gospel is not about sinners avoiding Hell. The message of the Gospel is that sinners can be cleaned by the Blood of Jesus and dressed in His righteousness to stand by His side like a Groom does with his Bride!

The wedding day of Christ and His Bride may come any day now, and without warning. You must be ready for Him to come and take you to the Wedding even today. There are plenty of signs that the Day of the Lord will be soon, very soon. But if there weren't any signs of His coming we must be ready to be ushered into His presence. That day will come when we leave this life through death or when Jesus comes to take His whole Bride to Heaven for the Wedding.

The word for today is: BE READY TO GO WHEN JESUS COMES! It may be today!

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