In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. I am sure that nothing can separate us from God's love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Romans 8:37-39
When you are separated from the one you love, life is indeed hard. Perhaps the most difficult part about war for those who go to the battlefield is being separated from their loved ones. Going through any traumas without the one you love close at hand is more disturbing than with a loved one at your side. Anytime life circumstances demand that a married couple not be together for a time there are special strains that come to that relationship.
Jesus promised that He would be with us Always! That means there is never a time when we will be separated from the Love of God through Jesus Christ! It doesn't matter how rough life's circumstances become you can know for certain that Jesus is there by your side.
If you were to ask a follower of Jesus to identify the time in life when he or she felt the presence of God and His love more than any other time, the answer would probably be a time of great trouble. I know for me it was after our 16 year old daughter was killed in an automobile accident. The experience was horrible, but the comfort that came from the Lord at that time was greater than the trauma!
Do Christians go to war? Oh yes, all followers of Jesus are soldiers in the biggest war of all. That is the war between the forces of Hell and Righteousness! But you can be sure that you are not separated from the Love of God in that battle. Come what may the Love of God is right there with you!
"Lord Jesus, thank You again that I never have been, am not now, nor ever will be separated from the Love of God! And may You be praised forever. Amen."
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