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When Peter came to Antioch, I told him face to face that he was wrong. He used to eat with Gentile followers of the Lord, until James sent some Jewish followers. Peter was afraid of the Jews and soon stopped eating with Gentiles. He and the other Jews hid their true feelings so well that even Barnabas was fooled. But when I saw that they were not really obeying the truth that is in the good news, I corrected Peter in front of everyone and said: Peter, you are a Jew, but you live like a Gentile. So how can you force Gentiles to live like Jews?
Galatians 2 : 11-14
How could Peter, who had preached on the day of Pentecost need to be corrected for “not obeying the truth that is in the Good News?”
It was the same old “fear of men” that had plagued Peter in the early morning hours of the crucifixion day. Then he was afraid to be known as a follower of Jesus. In these verses Peter was afraid of the Jewish Christians who were separating themselves from Gentile believers!
There are some very important lessons we can learn from Peter’s failure. First, don’t let the fear of men come between you and being fully obedient to the Lord. Second, don’t let your culture and traditions separate you from other believers in Christ.
Also remember that something you did years ago can rear its ugly head and try to take control of you again. I am sure Peter believed he had learned his lesson. He must have thought that he would no longer be concerned about what other people think or do.
“Lord Jesus may I never be more concerned about what men think of me than I am about what You think! May I worship and fear You and You alone. Praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen.”
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