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No one is loyal to God; no one does right. Everyone is brutal and eager to deceive everyone else. People cooperate to commit crime. Judges and leaders demand bribes, and rulers cheat in court. The most honest of them is worse than a thorn patch. Your doom has come! Lookouts sound the warning, and everyone panics. Don't trust anyone, not even your best friend, and be careful what you say to the one you love. Sons refuse to respect their own fathers, daughters rebel against their own mothers, and daughters-in-law despise their mothers-in-law. Your family is now your enemy. But I trust the LORD God to save me, and I will wait for him to answer my prayer.
Micah 7:1-7
These words, written almost 3,000 years ago are as up to date as the latest News Alert! When men cease being loyal to God they follow the same pattern of sin. "Everyone is brutal and eager to deceive everyone else."
Go back and read these verses again and think about how things are in the world today. Without Jesus, the course of any culture moves rapidly toward destruction! But with the Lord at the center of any land, justice and mercy overwhelm the forces of evil and the Glory of the Lord is seen across the land and around the world!
Choosing Jesus is not a choice between conservative or liberal. Jesus is both conservative and liberal! Jesus is "Truth" and He is THE WAY not "a way." But Jesus also gives Salvation from sin and death to those who did not earn it and do not deserve it! Both the "Left" and the "Right" find in Jesus the things they value most. But Jesus is beyond political perspective. The "chief of sinners" can come to Jesus and be received by Him. The most "far left" radical can give their heart to the Lord as well as the most "right wing" person among us!
When you come to Jesus and love Him with all your heart, you will find that He also loves those with whom you totally disagree! Then He moves on your heart to love them too!
You will soon find that loving someone across the borders set up by suspicion, hate and fear will free you to seek the lost like never before! Bring men and women to Jesus and let Him correct the things they misunderstand in the world around them! That's what He does with me and you!
"Lord Jesus, thank You that the Good News of Your Death, Burial and Resurrection is for all men and women everywhere. May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever. Amen."
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