Our God, you save us, and your fearsome deeds answer our prayers for justice! You give hope to people everywhere on earth, even those across the sea. You are strong, and your mighty power put the mountains in place. You silence the roaring waves and the noisy shouts of the nations. People far away marvel at your fearsome deeds, and all who live under the sun celebrate and sing because of you. You take care of the earth and send rain to help the soil grow all kinds of crops. Your rivers never run dry, and you prepare the earth to produce much grain. You water all of its fields and level the lumpy ground. You send showers of rain to soften the soil and help the plants sprout. Wherever your footsteps touch the earth, a rich harvest is gathered.
Psalm 65:5-11
The Garden of Eden was filled with beautiful, marvelous and amazing plants because God walked in the garden!
Wherever God’s feet touched the earth the blessings of abundant life followed.
Adam himself was created from the dust of the earth. Then God breathed into Adam the breath of life! Is there any wonder that when God’s feet touch the ground a “rich harvest is gathered?”
So, if you need blessings from God, simply ask Him to walk on your ground! When God touches you, even with the souls of His feet, you will be blessed!
”Lord Jesus, may my life become a path for Your feet, so that I may receive the blessings of being touched by You. Thank You for the Life that only comes from Your touch! May Your Name Jesus be praised now and forever. Amen.”
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