Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Far Beyond Your Imagination



"You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. God paid a great price for you. So, use your body to honor God."

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 CEV

When Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit, they sold themselves to Satan! Since then, every man and woman born on this earth has confirmed the deal and joined the First Couple in Sin. There was no way for humans to redeem themselves from this impossible situation. 

But from the very moment Sin arrived on earth God had a plan. His plan was Jesus! Jesus came to earth and unlike every other human being, Jesus never sinned! In utter contempt and rage Satan worked to destroy Jesus and so he hung Him on a Cross. Before that the Devil tried to tempt Jesus to sin, just as he had done with Adam and Eve, but Jesus would not. Jesus died on the Cross, but on the third day He burst forth from the grave, never to die again. 

Jesus bought you with His own Blood! No greater price was ever paid for anything. When a soldier gives his life in war, he is honored for having paid the "Ultimate Price." 

When you give your heart and life to Jesus Christ, you become His willing slave! He already paid the price that justified you and gave Him the right to be your Lord. Now it is time for you to give Jesus everything you are and everything you have and be obedient to His every wish. When you do that, the deal is done and all you must wait for is the day when Jesus comes to collect His Bride and take her with Him to His home in Heaven!

It is the most glorious and exciting future imaginable.  

"Lord Jesus, before I was born, as I waited while I was formed in my mother's womb, I had no idea how wonderful this life on earth could be. In the same way Jesus, I cannot even imagine how great will be my life with You in Heaven. Every day brings me 24 hours closer to the moment when You come with the angels to take me home! Even as You were busy doing Your Father's business here on earth, may I spend this day, directed by Your Holy Spirit about what to do, what to say and where to go. May Your Holy Name Jesus, be Praised Now and Forever, Amen!"


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