Saturday, December 7, 2024

Money Food and Faith



 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.

Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!”

John 6:5-7 NIV

When Jesus told Philip He wanted to give the people something to eat, the disciple immediately responded that they didn’t have enough money to do it. The question was not one of finances, but FAITH!

Also, when Jesus tells you what He wants you to do for Him, never question the fiscal resources. Jesus always wants you to accomplish things for Him that are far beyond your ability or even training. All Jesus wants is for you to give Him the little that you have and trust Him to use it and provide the power and provision to make it happen.

Despite our talents and abilities coming from God, we are tempted to be proud and seek praise from others when we use them.

But when we stand in awe and see Jesus feed 5000 people with two loaves of bread and two small fish, we can rightly claim no credit for the deed.

I cannot do what Jesus wants done in this world today, but I can give Him what I have and watch Him feed the world with His Love!

“Lord Jesus, You are the same today as You were here 2000 years ago. Let me watch You today as You touch the hearts of men and women of every nation! Praise Your Name now and forever. Amen!”


Friday, November 1, 2024

Listen for the Lord - From 8 years ago!



Then the glorious Lord All-Powerful ordered me to say to the nations that had raided and robbed Zion: Zion is as precious to the Lord as are his eyes. Whatever you do to Zion, you do to him. And so, he will put you in the power of your slaves, and they will raid and rob you. Then you will know that I am a prophet of the Lord All-Powerful.  City of Zion, sing and celebrate! The Lord has promised to come and live with you.  When he does, many nations will turn to him and become his people. At that time you will know that I am a prophet of the Lord All-Powerful.  Then Judah will be his part of the holy land, and Jerusalem will again be his chosen city.  Everyone, be silent! The Lord is present and moving about in his holy place. 

Zechariah 2:8-13 

When I was a small child I remember how comforting it was to go to sleep while hearing my mother and father moving about in the house. The noises they made and the conversations I heard filled my heart with peace. Every sound they made let me know that I was being watched over by my parents who loved me dearly!

Today, as a grown man, when my spirit is quiet I can hear the Lord moving about in the world which He made. I can see Him when I look at the heavens or the face of a new born baby who was made in His image. If you have never heard or seen the Lord moving about in the world around you, it is time that you got quiet and listened!  Just a little while ago I stopped and listened as a thunderstorm passed over our house.  Only God can rattle the windows and comfort my soul at the same time.

So as you move through this day listen for the sound of God "moving about in His holy place."  It will comfort your soul in these  very troubled times!

"Lord Jesus I can be at peace when I hear and see that You are near.  And may You be praised forever.  Amen."

 This post was written and posted about 8 years ago in 2016. Given what is happening today in 2024 I thought it appropriate to share it again!

Listen for the Lord!


Then the glorious Lord All-Powerful ordered me to say to the nations that had raided and robbed Zion: Zion is as precious to the Lord as are his eyes. Whatever you do to Zion, you do to him. And so, he will put you in the power of your slaves, and they will raid and rob you. Then you will know that I am a prophet of the Lord All-Powerful.  City of Zion, sing and celebrate! The Lord has promised to come and live with you.  When he does, many nations will turn to him and become his people. At that time you will know that I am a prophet of the Lord All-Powerful.  Then Judah will be his part of the holy land, and Jerusalem will again be his chosen city.  Everyone, be silent! The Lord is present and moving about in his holy place. 

Zechariah 2:8-13 

When I was a small child I remember how comforting it was to go to sleep while hearing my mother and father moving about in the house. The noises they made and the conversations I heard filled my heart with peace. Every sound they made let me know that I was being watched over by my parents who loved me dearly!

Today, as a grown man, when my spirit is quiet I can hear the Lord moving about in the world which He made. I can see Him when I look at the heavens or the face of a new born baby who was made in His image. If you have never heard or seen the Lord moving about in the world around you, it is time that you got quiet and listened!  Just a little while ago I stopped and listened as a thunderstorm passed over our house.  Only God can rattle the windows and comfort my soul at the same time.

So as you move through this day listen for the sound of God "moving about in His holy place."  It will comfort your soul in these  very troubled times!

"Lord Jesus I can be at peace when I hear and see that You are near.  And may You be praised forever.  Amen."

 This post was written and posted about 8 years ago in 2016. Given what is happening today in 2024 I thought it appropriate to share it again!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Seeing Jesus on Your Road


That same day two of Jesus’ disciples were going to the village of Emmaus, which was about eleven kilometers from Jerusalem. 14 As they were talking and thinking about what had happened, 15 Jesus came near and started walking along beside them. 16 But they did not know who he was.

17 Jesus asked them, “What were you talking about as you walked along?”

The two of them stood there looking sad and gloomy. 18 Then the one named Cleopas asked Jesus, “Are you the only person from Jerusalem who didn’t know what was happening there these last few days?”

19 “What do you mean?” Jesus asked.

They answered:

Those things that happened to Jesus from Nazareth. By what he did and said he showed that he was a powerful prophet, who pleased God and all the people. 20 Then the chief priests and our leaders had him arrested and sentenced to die on a cross. 21 We had hoped that he would be the one to set Israel free! But it has already been three days since all this happened.

22 Some women in our group surprised us. They had gone to the tomb early in the morning, 23 but did not find the body of Jesus. They came back, saying they had seen a vision of angels who told them that he is alive. 24 Some men from our group went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said. But they didn’t see Jesus either.

25 Then Jesus asked the two disciples, “Why can’t you understand? How can you be so slow to believe all that the prophets said? 26 Didn’t you know that the Messiah would have to suffer before he was given his glory?” 27 Jesus then explained everything written about himself in the Scriptures, beginning with the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets.[c]

28 When the two of them came near the village where they were going, Jesus seemed to be going farther. 29 They begged him, “Stay with us! It’s already late, and the sun is going down.” So Jesus went into the house to stay with them.

30 After Jesus sat down to eat, he took some bread. He blessed it and broke it. Then he gave it to them. 31 At once they knew who he was, but he disappeared.

Luke 24:13-31

These two disciples knew Jesus but did not recognise Him when He walked up to them on the road to Emmaus. Sometimes even Jesus’ followers cannot see the Lord when he shows up during their day.

Jesus said that He will be with His followers, even to the end of the world. Pray that He will open your eyes so you can see Him working around you.

Instead of trying to figure out what you can do for Jesus, ask Jesus what He is doing and how you can join with Him in His work.

“Lord Jesus, show me today what You are doing in the world around me. And show me how to join with You. We praise Your Name now and forever. Amen.”

Friday, September 6, 2024

Your Will Be Done


There was an official in Capernaum whose son was sick. And when the man heard that Jesus had come from Judea, he went and begged him to keep his son from dying.

Jesus told the official, “You won’t have faith unless you see miracles and wonders!”

The man replied, “Lord, please come before my son dies!”

Jesus then said, “Your son will live. Go on home to him.” The man believed Jesus and started back home.

Some of the official’s servants met him along the road and told him, “Your son is better!” He asked them when the boy got better, and they answered, “The fever left him yesterday at one o’clock.”

The boy’s father realized that at one o’clock the day before, Jesus had told him, “Your son will live!” So the man and everyone in his family put their faith in Jesus.

John 4:46b-53

It was not a co-incidence that the boy got well at the same time Jesus declared it to be so. But it was the next day before the man got the eyewitness news from his servants. 

Even today, we may have to wait a long time before witnessing the answers to our prayers! As your faith in Jesus deepens, you will come to say “Your will be done” after every prayer. When you submit your heart to the Will of God, you are asking for Him to do what is best, even if it is painful for you at the moment.

Remember, Jesus sees and knows everything. He sits in the Captain’s chair while we sit in the back of the plane and can only see out of a side window. 

“Lord Jesus, take my life and use it to accomplish Your will today and always. We praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen.” 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Building for the Holy Spirit





You Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens with everyone else who belongs to the family of God. You are like a building with the apostles and prophets as the foundation and with Christ as the most important stone. Christ is the one who holds the building together and makes it grow into a holy temple for the Lord. And you are part of that building Christ has built as a place for God’s own Spirit to live.

Ephesians 2:19-22

When one follower of Jesus Christ meets another one for the first time, it is the smallest church meeting you can have.  And If they seize the opportunity to encourage one another, it is the smallest revival on earth.  

Worshiping is not the primary purpose of  church. The church is a housing unit for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit within you can guide your thoughts and actions to fulfill God’s work on earth.

The church is a gathering of Jesus’ followers, providing a dwelling for the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, “The gates of Hell will not prevail against it.”

Remember, when you become a Christ follower, you are part of the building where the Holy Spirit lives. Don’t forget, being part of the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place is a glorious privilege for Jesus’ followers.

“Lord, Jesus, touch my eyes and heal my blindness so I can see what You created me to be today! Praise Your Holy Name, now and forever! Amen.”


Thursday, August 29, 2024



Teach me to follow, Lord, and lead me on the right path because of my enemies. Don’t let them do to me what they want.

People tell lies about me and make violent threats, but I know I will live to see how kind you are. Trust the Lord! Be brave and strong and trust the Lord.

Psalm 27:11-14

As a follower of the Lord, you will have enemies. That has always been part of the deal. Satan himself is the chief enemy of those who follow Jesus. So when you find yourself accused of things that are false and you are the target of violent threats, it may indeed be evidence that you are walking in the steps of Jesus!

When you finally decide to become obedient to something you believe Jesus wants you to do, prepare yourself for the attack. It will come, and you must get ready with the Word of God in your heart and mind, so you can resist and not give in to discouragement.

These verses from Psalm 27 tell us we must “Trust the Lord and be brave and strong.” When you trust Jesus, it is only then you can be BRAVE AND STRONG! 

Never lose heart because Satan directs his attacks towards you. If you are being obedient to God, they will come.

Be concerned if you claim to be walking with Jesus and the Devil doesn’t care!

“Lord, Jesus, give me the courage to obey Your Word today and every day as long as I live here on earth. Praise Your Holy Name, now and forever! Amen.”

Tuesday, August 27, 2024







Each day, Jesus kept on teaching in the temple. So the chief priests, the teachers of the Law of Moses, and some other important people tried to have him killed. But they could not find a way to do it, because everyone else was eager to listen to him.

Luke 19:47-48

Are you one of those who wants to have Jesus killed or are you “eager to listen” to Him? When Jesus walked the earth, the chief priests, teachers of the law and other “important people” were not the ones who most wanted to hear what He had to say.

Jesus talked about how to love your enemies and how to forgive them. He watched with His disciples a woman who put everything she had to live on in the offering box at the temple. It was only two small coins, but Jesus said it was more than all the other contributions. Jesus also said that those who follow Him should first take up their cross! And He told them that suffering would come with discipleship.

Choose to be EAGER TO LISTEN to Jesus! Don’t seek to become a Chief Priest, a teacher of the law, or an important person. Let the Words of Jesus sink deep into your heart.

“Jesus make me eager to listen to You. Let Your Word lead me today on the path You have chosen for my life. Praise Your Holy Name now and forever! Amen.”