Saturday, March 6, 2010

It’s the Name of the Artist!

Let Your work be seen by Your servants,
    and Your splendor by their children.
Psalm 90:16

An art exhibition can be anywhere from grand and glorious to disgusting and thoroughly repulsive.  But when you stand and stare at the work of one of the world’s truly great artists you, for a time you see the world as he saw it. It is life filtered through the mind and captured in paint on a piece of canvas.

In the kitchen hallway in our house there is an old oil painting which causes me to ponder. I am no art critic but I enjoy stopping and looking at the clouds, trees, cows and a couple of people standing on green grass. This painting is not signed. I have looked carefully to see if there is any mark of who the artist was. There is none. Could it be a lost masterpiece worth millions, or is it just a nice painting by a gifted amateur? The value of the painting does not depend on how beautiful it is. The worth is determined by the name of the artist!

Every day we all stand in God’s art gallery. The beauty of the earth and the glory of the sky are truly awesome. God’s glory can been seen in everything from the tiniest insect to the largest creature on earth. The telescope and microscope both reveal the order and intricacy of God’s creation. Beauty can be heard with the ear, smelled with the nose, seen with the eye and touched with the finger. The ability that we have to love each other is a part of His painting where God put down the brush and touched our hearts with His finger!

The struggle that goes on in the cosmos is Satan’s attempt to trash the Painting of God! Satan presents his garbage and tells us it is beautiful. He purposes to make perverse every beautiful thing that God created. And indeed the Enemy does deface and defile much of the work of God in the world.

But in the end, Jesus Christ came to restore all of God’s work to its original beauty. Satan cannot destroy the Work of God in your life! Whatever he has done to deface or defile the picture is restored when you turn to Jesus! And never forget that your value and worth is only determined by name of the Artist who created you, and now restores you so you can live with Him forever!

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