Sunday, December 26, 2010

War is Hell?

When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them along the road to the land of the Philistines, even though it was nearby; for God said, "The people will change their minds and return to Egypt if they face war."

Exodus 13:17

Sometimes the most commonly accepted realities are proven to be deceptions. General William Tecumseh Sherman is credited with the first utterance of the phrase “War is Hell” in 1879. That assessment has been accepted as truth, really without contradiction. President Harry Truman did contradict it in 1945 when he said “Peace is Hell.”

Frankly, I hate to agree with President Truman instead of a famous Civil War general, but if you dwell in Hell you will not be at war. There will be no possibility of victory, no overcoming the situation. In Hell the torment and suffering will have no solution or resolution.

Spiritual Warfare is the struggle against Hell and that can only be waged by those who are still alive here on this earth.

As in any war there are those on the winning side who become casualties. The fact that you have read the end of the Book and we win does not mean that you cannot become a casualty of the war! Yes, Satan and his hordes of Hell will not win the war. Jesus sealed the fate of Satan when He died on the Cross. But there are battles yet to be waged. In fact, there is a battle to be waged in your life today. Satan wants you to let down your guard and give in, even a little to his call to turn stones in to bread!

If you know the plane will make it safely through the storm, you still fasten your seat belt. Truthfully, all wars on this earth are shadows of the cosmic war that still rages throughout the expanse. When you accepted Jesus and made Him Lord of your life you also enlisted in the Lord’s Army.

When God led the Children of Israel out of Egypt into the wilderness He kept them from going to war too soon. So it is with you and me. God keeps us from the intense battles until we have walked with Him, sometimes for years.

But the battles do come and the fight is fierce. Remember that when the war begins to rage around you as a follower of Jesus, God has decided that you are ready for the fight. Pick up your Sword of the Spirit and engage the Enemy!

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