It is written: "As surely as I live, says the Lord,
every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God."
So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Romans 14:11-12
There is great pride in being an Atheist. Consider the perspective of the man who does not believe in Almighty God. He rails against the Creator of the Universe and declares that God is either dead or never existed in the first place and yet he continues to live and breathe and go about his business like everyone else! I’m certain that every, would be Atheist sticks his toe in the water of unbelief to see if he will be struck by lightning for standing against God.
But God’s great mercy and love permits a man even to become His enemy without immediate retribution. The arrogant unbelief grows as the atheist becomes convinced that God is indeed dead, asleep, or never existed at all. It is all a part of free will. Humans have been given the freedom to choose or reject God. It is unique. The animals that populate the earth do not struggle with faith. The principalities, powers and powers of the air, including Satan himself are not Atheists.
Atheism is a temporary state of man which will end on your knees before the Creator of Heaven and earth! There will be no Atheists in Hell. They will all come to faith on that day when they stand before God to give account of themselves.
The question for you, that will make an eternal difference is this: “When will you come to faith in Jesus Christ?” If you do it now, you will live forever with Him in Heaven. If you wait until you become a believer by the force of reality, as you stand before God, you will spend eternity in the fires of Hell.
Becoming a believer on the Day of Judgment will be too late! You have this moment to accept Him. You will become a believer, and you will bow before Him. For Heaven’s sake do it now!
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