Monday, October 19, 2009

Unplowed Ground!

Sow for yourselves righteousness,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the LORD,
until he comes
and showers righteousness on you.

Hosea 10:12

The world’s most fundamental profession is farming. Without farmers civilization would immediately regress into a daily scramble to get something to eat! Much about life itself can be learned from farmers.

If you are going to plant a field and produce a crop you must prepare the ground to receive the seed. Even with “no till” farming the seed is carefully inserted into the ground so that it can germinate and grow.

If a farmer takes his precious seed and just throws it on a field of unplowed ground which is full of rocks and weeds the results are entirely predictable. There will be an occasional plant, but no “crop” in the fall!

In Hosea 10:12 the seed is righteousness. The field that must be plowed is my own life. The process of plowing is simply “seeking the Lord until He comes.” The crop that is produced is the “fruit of unfailing love.” And rain that waters the seed is the Lord’s righteousness which He brings after I seek Him.

How does seeking God break up the hard ground in my life?

When I truly seek God I give every decision over to Him. If you were a brain surgeon and you invited me to come and watch you work, I assure you I would make no comment about the quality of your work or would I dare to make a suggestion about how you might do it better! Your expertise would so overshadow me that I would only stand and gasp at your ability to perform such surgery.

When I seek God it is the same. When I come into the presence of God and watch Him work, I stand amazed! I have no comment about the quality of His work or suggestion about how He could do it better. The ground of my life is broken up as I seek Him. Everything I see in Him turns the ground of my hard heart upside down! Then when God looks at my life He will see a crop and not just an occasional plant.

“Lord, show me more of You today!”

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