Friday, October 30, 2009

Pretend Christianity!

Simon Peter and another disciple were following Jesus. Because this disciple was known to the high priest, he went with Jesus into the high priest's courtyard, but Peter had to wait outside at the door. The other disciple, who was known to the high priest, came back, spoke to the girl on duty there and brought Peter in.

John 18:15-16

Who you know is more important than what you know. What you know tells me about your personal knowledge data base. It may be large, and that can be very important, but who you know tells me, or it can tell me about your character.

When you fill out a job application and are asked for character references you always include people who are likely to be respected by your prospective employer. Notorious felons and thieves never end up on resumes as character references.

When Peter and the other disciple (most think it was John) came to the high priest’s door the other disciple was able to go in with Jesus but Peter had to wait outside. He was alone and must have had his head swimming with “what does all this mean” thoughts. He had just tried to cut off the head of the high priest’s servant and did cut off his ear. Would he be prosecuted for that? Should he run and hide or should he stay as close to Jesus as possible? Peter did not know how this story would play out but it made great sense that he was in jeopardy.

Then the other disciple came back and spoke to the girl at the door who let Peter in but she asked Peter if he too was one of the disciples. That is when the denials began.

So here was the man, who had walked on water with Jesus and had drawn his sword to save Jesus from the soldiers, denying that he even knew Him.

We are all like Peter. There are times when we bravely stand up to the world and draw the sword of the Spirit to defend Truth! We tell ourselves and even others that we are willing to die for Jesus. But when everything falls apart and the Gospel is not winning in the world around us, we are easily tempted to deny that we even know Him.

Peter knew Jesus and yet denied his Lord! Today there are many who confess Jesus but do not know Him as Lord. I would rather know Jesus and deny Him as Peter did than to claim that I am His disciple when I am not! Jesus can restore me as He did Peter, but if I don’t know Him at all there is nothing to restore.

Impersonating a Christian is a crime punishable by Eternal Death! Pretending to know Jesus does not bring Glory to God!

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