Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jezebel and Jesus!

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I know everything about you, including your love, your faith, your service, and how you have endured. I know you are doing more now than you have ever done before.  But I still have something against you because of that woman Jezebel. She calls herself a prophet, and you let her teach and mislead my servants to do immoral things and to eat food offered to idols. I gave her a chance to turn from her sins, but she did not want to stop doing these immoral things.

I am going to strike down Jezebel. Everyone who does these immoral things with her will also be punished, if they don't stop.  I will even kill her followers. Then all the churches will see that I know everyone's thoughts and feelings. I will treat each of you as you deserve.

Some of you in Thyatira don't follow Jezebel's teaching. You don't know anything about what her followers call the “deep secrets of Satan.” So I won't burden you down with any other commands.But until I come, you must hold firmly to the teaching you have.

Revelation 2:19-25

Sometimes I think I know too much! I was driving for an Amish man earlier this week. The Amish in our community don't drive cars and they don't use electricity or have telephones in their houses. Their lifestyle is much as it was almost 200 years ago.

We passed by a movie theater and he asked me what it was. When I said it was a movie theater he had a blank look on his face. He is almost 50 years old and no one had explained to him about Hollywood and the movie industry. As I was trying to tell him what it was all about I felt like I was violating an innocence that needed to be left undisturbed. I quickly changed the subject and moved on to something less mired in sin!

The people in Thyatira were solid followers of The Lord, but some of them knew the "deep secrets of Satan." For some reason they had not seen the problem of walking with Jesus and following Jezebel as well.

I believe that today Jezebel is the ungodly culture in which we all live. Every nation on earth has customs and accepted practices that do not come from God. When we try to be a follower of Jesus and walk in perfect harmony with the ways of other men in our land we are usually following a Jezebel as well as Jesus.

"Lord Jesus I repent of even knowing the "deep secrets of Satan." Take away from my mind the things that I should not know, and replace them with the things that draw me closer to You. May my every thought bring You glory today and forevermore. Amen."

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