God had the power to save Jesus from death. And while Jesus was on earth, he begged God with loud crying and tears to save him. He truly worshiped God, and God listened to his prayers. Jesus is God's own Son, but still he had to suffer before he could learn what it really means to obey God. Suffering made Jesus perfect, and now he can save forever all who obey him.
Hebrews 5:7-9
I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for Jesus to live in a human body. When Jesus took on the form of a human being He allowed Himself to be limited. Jesus was thirsty and hungry like every other human. Jesus needed to get away from the crowd and spend time with God. When His friend Lazarus died, Jesus wept! There is nothing that you experience or suffer that Jesus does not understand completely.
These verses even say that Jesus "learned" what it really means to obey God. Does that mean that before Jesus learned what it means to obey, that He was disobedient? Of course not! Jesus did not disobey God, but suffering somehow focused His grasp of obedience as a human being.
There are many books written about suffering and what it means for you as a follower of Jesus, but if you are like Jesus, suffering helps you "learn what it really means to obey God!"
If there is pain in your life right now, or if it comes unexpectedly today, recognize that suffering and being obedient to the will of God are closely linked. If you decide once again today that you want to obey God, you can know for sure that suffering will be a part of your life of obedience.
"Lord Jesus, help me today to see the sufferings in my life, the same way that You saw Yours. And give me Lord, the courage to say, even as You did "NOT MY WILL BUT YOURS BE DONE! May You be praised forever. Amen."
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