We humans make plans,
but the Lord
has the final word.
We may think we know
what is right,
but the Lord is the judge
of our motives.
Share your plans with the Lord,
and you will succeed.
The Lord has a reason
for everything he does,
and he lets evil people live
only to be punished.
Proverbs 16:1-4
Did you know that the Lord is involved in your life even if you are not a follower of Jesus? Your plans succeed only if the Lord, Himself allows it. And the Lord judges your heart and motives. He knows your heart better than even you know it yourself.
In a day when evil people rule the world it is very important that Christians remember that the Lord has a reason for everything He does! When you cry out to God and ask Him why He allows sin to flourish around you, you can know for certain that He has a very good reason!
The epic struggle between GOOD AND EVIL is not a "fair fight." Good will win! That is certain. Satan's fate is sealed along with all those who follow him. So as you watch spiritual warfare play out right before your eyes remember that the battle belongs to the Lord and He will win!
If you want to be wise, then share your plans with the Lord and let Him direct your steps each day because the Lord has the final Word in whether or not our plans succeed.
"Lord Jesus, I bring You my plans for this day and ask that You have the final Word in them. As I present my plans to You I pray that Your will will become my will, today and forever! Amen."
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