We make our own decisions,
but the Lord alone
determines what happens.
Proverbs 16:33
There they are: Free Will and the Sovereignty of God! How can the two co-exist? The answer to that question is profound and yet profoundly simple.
The free will of man exists because of God's Sovereign choice. Without God having declared it so, there would be no free will at all.
In the rain storm of life, God has chosen to give you an umbrella under which you may move freely and at your own discretion. But the limits of your "free will" are fixed and determined by God Himself.
When men attempt to move outside of the limits of free will and take upon themselves those decisions that are God's alone, calamities turn up on every hand!
God has given you the freedom to marry, and to choose which man or woman of the opposite sex will be your partner in life. But as they did in Sodom, we are insisting that we have the "right" to move the boundary God set up for marriage. When we do we are outside the "umbrella" of free will and will be pummeled by the storms of life as a direct result of trying to change God's design.
It would also be like the man who decides that he will live this life without eating food or drinking water. You have the right to decide what you eat and drink, but it is outside of the umbrella to eat and drink nothing. Your "free will" will come to a tragic end if you choose not to eat or drink.
So live freely under the Sovereignty of God. Enjoy life as you move about under His umbrella of Free Will.
"Lord Jesus, may I never forget that Your Sovereign Will is the source of my "Free Will" and that I am truly free only in You! And may You be praised forever! Amen."
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