Saturday, September 5, 2020

Headline of Every Story

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When Jesus' disciples saw what was about to happen, they asked, “Lord, should we attack them with a sword?”  One of the disciples even struck at the high priest's servant with his sword and cut off the servant's right ear.  “Enough of that!” Jesus said. Then he touched the servant's ear and healed it.  Jesus spoke to the chief priests, the temple police, and the leaders who had come to arrest him. He said, “Why do you come out with swords and clubs and treat me like a criminal?  I was with you every day in the temple, and you didn't arrest me. But this is your time, and darkness is in control.”

Luke 22:49-53

Matthew, Mark and John also tell this story, but none of them mentions the fact that Jesus healed the servant's ear!  This final miracle before the Crucifixion was different from all the others.  Instead of this miracle of healing drawing men to faith in Jesus, it simply removed the evidence that would have surely gotten Peter arrested, and for good cause!  

How could the servant of the High Priest testify that his ear had been cut off by Peter, when everyone could see the ear was clearly attached to his head as it had always been?

The story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was not to be about how Peter saved Him from the crowd, or about how Peter joined Jesus on his own cross that day.  It is believed that Peter did die on a cross, but that came much later.

The story of Peter's life was about what Jesus did through him and not what Peter did for Jesus!  Your story should be the same.  Don't "live your life for Jesus."  Rather, let Jesus live His life through you so that His will becomes the headline of every story of your life!  

"Lord Jesus, may You be the author of my "Life Story" today.  Live in me and through me each moment of today and every day for the rest of my life.  May Your Name be praised Now and Forever, Amen!"

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Cities in Chaos

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A city without wise leaders will end up in ruin; a city with many wise leaders will be kept safe.

Proverbs 11:14

If you don't think the Bible speaks to every situation, think again!  I was told of a man who memorized the entire book of Proverbs.  The one who told me complained that the fellow "could not speak two sentences without quoting a proverb."  

The Word of God is a "User's Manual" for life itself.  With the Word of God in your mind you are able to rest easy in the boat of daily living while the storms of life rage on the sea!  

The truth of Proverbs 11:14 is playing out right before our eyes, with foolish leaders allowing their cities to crumble into chaos as they remove the safe guards of security and stability!  Even a small child can see their lack of wisdom.

If the "End of all things" is not soon upon us, future generations will look at our demise and see how we railed at God and became the victims of our own stupidity.  

Instead of fighting against flesh and blood let God be your armor and His Word your Sword.  Draw near to Him and hold tightly to Him today and every day.  

"Lord Jesus, there is foolishness and chaos all around me in the world!  May your wisdom and peace fill my mind and my heart as I wait for Your return and tell others that You are Lord of all!  May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever.  Amen."