Sunday, August 15, 2021

Big Words About Jesus


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Christ did not send me to baptize. He sent me to tell the good news without using big words that would make the cross of Christ lose its power. The message about the cross doesn’t make any sense to lost people. But for those of us who are being saved, it is God’s power at work.

1 Corinthians 1:17-18 CEV

The message of Jesus Christ is not an intellectual, reasonable, and logical argument. It makes little sense to those who are on the road to Hell and have not already turned their attention toward God. But when a man or woman recognizes the desperate state of affairs of their own life, the Good News of Jesus Christ comes alive. 

The hope you need for the future is not an intellectual argument, no matter how logical it may be. What you must have is a person who will save you from sin and the deadly effects of rebellion against God.  

You can know and even understand all the theologies in the Bible and still not know Jesus! For Eternity, it is not what you know that matters. Who you know determines your eternal destiny. 

On the Day of Judgment, a solid grasp of all the Biblical doctrines will count for nothing if you don’t know Jesus as your Lord. But if you know Jesus, He will see that the wisdom of the world does not corrupt your understanding of truth.

“Thank You, Jesus, that I don’t need to know Big Words about You. All I need is to know You and I will have Forever to learn everything about You I don’t know now. Praise Your Holy Name now and always. Amen.”




Friday, August 13, 2021

God Has No Unemployment Plan

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We also gave you the rule that if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Now we learn that some of you just loaf around and won’t do any work, except the work of a busybody. So, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, we ask and beg these people to settle down and start working for a living.

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 CEV

Are you one of those refusing to go back to work in the wake of the Covid Pandemic? When thousands of people were dying every day from the disease, and no one knew what treatment worked, the entire world went into “lock-down.” Computers and the internet enabled many to continue to work from the safety of their homes. And many of those who stayed home without the ability to continue work received more than adequate unemployment checks from their government.

Now, the problem in the United States is: The Government is paying lots of people more money not to work than those same people would receive if they went back to their jobs. It stalled the most amazing and prosperous economy in the world for lack of workers.

Did you know that there is no unemployment plan for followers of Jesus Christ? Jesus has employment for you today and it includes nothing beyond your ability. His Spirit will direct you to the opportunities to work for Him and bring His blessings to those you encounter. If all you can do is pray for those in need, you are doing the greatest work of all!

Pandemic survivors who sit at home and refuse to work are like Christians who “go to church once a week” to get spiritual food from the pastor and only study the Bible to confirm that they are saved. There is no blessing from God for refusing to hear the call of the Holy Spirit to work for Him. 

“Lord Jesus, take away my fear of responding to Your call on my life today. Open my ears to hear Your plan for this day. Give me the courage to step onto the stormy seas of walking with You! Praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen.”


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Favorite Place for Me in Heaven



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Jesus said to his disciples, “Don’t be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I wouldn’t tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together.”

John 14:1-3 CEV

God’s house has many rooms, and as a follower of Jesus, your name is written above the door of one of them. For over 2000 years, Jesus has worked on places for all of His disciples, including you!

Reality TV shows that remodel houses often conclude the show with an almost life-size picture of the old house pulled out of the way to reveal the new creation. Many times, the new owners call on the Name of God in their joy and utter amazement.

The place that Jesus is preparing for you will shock you to your very core. The One who designed every beautiful sunset and glorious Spring flower is decorating a place in God’s house for you.  

Here on earth, I certainly like the city, town, or area in which I live, but my home is the best. My home is my favorite place to be. Jesus is preparing a Favorite Place for Me in Heaven. It will be better than I have ever dreamed.

When Jesus finishes the place for me, He will come back and take me to be with Him forever.

“Lord Jesus, I want to imagine the glory of the place You are preparing for me. As I look around here on earth and see all the suffering and pain, sin and death, and all the other things that came upon us because of our rebellion against You, give me a glimpse of what I will see on the day of my departure from this earth. May all men fall down and worship You and praise Your Holy Name. Amen.”