God our Savior showed us how good and kind he is. He saved us because of his mercy, and not because of any good things we have done. God washed us by the power of the Holy Spirit. He gave us new birth and a fresh beginning. God sent Jesus Christ our Savior to give us his Spirit. Jesus treated us much better than we deserve. He made us acceptable to God and gave us the hope of eternal life.
Titus 3:4-7 CEV
Imagine the mother of a convicted killer describing her son as someone with a “good heart.” Because of who she is, she can see her son as having a “good” heart, even though he has done many evil deeds.
Because of who Jesus is and what He has done, God can see you with the Holy Spirit in your heart. The Bible says that you have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. It even says that your “righteousness” is like filthy rags.
But because of Jesus and His perfect sacrifice, you can spend Eternity with Him.
What you must do to be saved is simple. Turn away from the world and all its lusts and the false pride that comes from embracing it, and let your heart run after Jesus in every moment of each day! Jesus wants to be the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!
The greatest love story ever told on this earth is only a shadow of the story of Jesus and you! Even if you are now old, you can turn your heart to Jesus and stand at the door of the next season of life when Jesus comes and takes you to be with Him forever! And if you are still young, you can enter a relationship with Jesus that will bring blessings now and forever into your life. Either way, you will never regret it!
“Lord Jesus, touch my heart today with Your love, and give me an earthly taste of Eternal Bliss with You! Praise Your Name now and forever. Amen.”