Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Greatest Thing!

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God saved us and chose us to be his holy people. We did nothing to deserve this, but God planned it  because he is so kind.  Even before time began God planned for Christ Jesus to show kindness to us. Now Christ Jesus has come to show us the kindness of God. Christ our Savior defeated death and brought us the good news.  It shines like a light and offers life that never ends.

2 Timothy 1:9-10

It is foolish pride to believe that you can come to God and convince Him to give you eternal life because of the wonderful life you have lived here on earth! 

Before the beginning of time God made plans which included you!  You are not an afterthought or accident in the timeline of history!  You are part of God's plans from before the beginning of life on this earth! 

When we consider all the billions of men and women who have ever lived, it is important to recognize that every one of them was planned and created by God Himself.  Then God, who desired that we respond to His love by loving Him freely decided that we would be given the freedom to reject Him!  The ultimate tragedy in the life of any man or woman is deciding to say "No" to the love of Jesus!

But the greatest victory and highest place of honor on this earth is the one who has given his heart to Jesus Christ and is on the path of loving Him forever!  It matters not whether you are in prison as Paul was when he wrote 2 Timothy, or whether you have the most exalted human position on earth.  Giving your heart and life to Jesus Christ is the greatest thing anyone on earth can ever do!

Lord Jesus, help me to see more clearly every day that You are all that matters in my life!  And may You, Lord Jesus be praised forever.  Amen.

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