Sunday, August 18, 2019

How to Save the Earth

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The Lord is going to twist the earth out of shape and turn it into a desert. Everyone will be scattered, including ordinary people and priests, slaves and slave owners, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, the rich and the poor.  The earth will be stripped bare and left that way. This is what the Lord has promised.  The earth wilts away; its mighty leaders melt to nothing.  The earth is polluted because its people disobeyed the laws of God, breaking their agreement that was to last forever.  The earth is under a curse; its people are dying out because of their sins. 

Isaiah 24:1-6

I have never heard anyone identify the fulfillment of this prophecy in history.  Since the Bible predicts it, it will happen.  When it will happen is not clearly stated in Scripture.  But the reason for the earth being twisted out of shape and turned into a desert is clear! The people disobey the laws of God and break their agreement with Him!

There are however plenty of people today predicting the soon destruction of the earth through Global Warming and Climate Change!  They blame the use of fossil fuels, pollutants emitted by factories and a host of other things that they believe will destroy the earth!

The Bible clearly says that the earth will turn into a desert, but not because people are burning too much coal and oil.  

Climate change or global warming are not the problem.  Disobeying the laws of God is the problem that is destroying the world!  The beauty of the earth is sustained daily by the Power of God!  When He decides to withhold, even a small portion of that Power, we will see the earth on a serious path to destruction!

There is only one way to "Save the Earth" from being twisted out of shape and turned into a desert.  That way is for men and women to begin obeying the laws of God instead of ignoring them!  A massive world-wide revival of the Power of God in the lives of men is the best thing we can do to "Save the Earth!"

When that happens, we will be saved whether the earth is saved or not.  

"Lord Jesus, when a fire breaks out, what good is it to save the house if the people all perish?  Thank You Lord for paying the price to save all those who turn their hearts to You.  May it be said that this generation turned to You and was saved!  Praise Your Holy Name, now and forever, Amen."

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