Click here to listen to blog After this, I looked and saw a door that opened into heaven. Then the voice that had spoken to me at first and that sounded like a trumpet said, “Come up here! I will show you what must happen next.” Revelation 4:1 - CEV Everyone wants to know what tomorrow will bring! The future is certainly a mystery, but being ready for the future is the mark of a man or woman with wisdom. There are many ways that people try to come to a knowledge of the future, but only one way that is certain. Being ready for tomorrow depends totally on who you know today! If you know the World and are skilled in the ways of the World you may think you are prepared for what is coming next, but you are sadly mistaken! The only way to be ready for the future is to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today. Jesus fills your heart with the Holy Spirit of God and you will have the "Mind of Christ" which enables you to live beyond the circumstances and soar above the storms of life! Jesus is like a modern "life boat" on a cruise ship. It is a water tight capsule that can stay afloat even if it is upside down! Nothing will sink it as long as it is in one piece! Jesus Christ is like that "life boat." If you stay in Him, then everything will ultimately be fine because nothing can sink your boat with Jesus in your heart! With Jesus in your heart, it doesn't matter what happens next. Everything is covered by His promise of Eternal Life with Him in Heaven! Nothing in this life can keep Jesus from fulfilling His promise to Save you! Faith captures Fear and stops it in its tracks! If you have given your heart to Jesus, then He is with you always, even to the End of the World! "Lord Jesus, knowing You is better than knowing the future! If I know You, You are the tomorrow in my life! Praise Your Holy and Righteous Name, now and forever. Amen!"
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Suppose I hold back the rain or send locusts to eat the crops or make my people suffer with deadly diseases. If my own people will humbly pray and turn back to me and stop sinning, then I will answer them from heaven. I will forgive them and make their land fertile once again. 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 - CEV God's own people all over the world are suffering with a deadly disease. God loves His children and His mercy is great, but faith in God is not automatically rewarded with immunity to Covid-19! Years ago the Christian community in the United States discovered the "If My People" verse and became excited about "prayer," but we ignored the call to stop sinning and turning back to God, and we, especially paid no attention to the verse just before it! We could not imagine that God would "make my people suffer with deadly diseases!" But now even the churches in the United States are mostly closed because of the fear that a disease would spread through the church if we met for worship! Some see this time as an opportunity for "more creative ministry," as we use the internet to keep our "services" going! I believe this is rather a time to fall on our faces before the Lord. It is a time to repent and turn back to Him! It is a time to stop sinning! Are the "End Times" upon us and the swarms of locusts sweeping through Africa and toward the Middle East another sign of the final days before the return of Jesus? When He comes we will know for certain, but until then our job is to cling tightly to Jesus and watch for His return! If you want to know why God would send a deadly disease on the earth, look at your own heart! You may have drifted away from Jesus and needed to be shocked to the core by what you see in the mirror of God's Word! You may need "social distancing" from other people to stay well today, but you need total intimacy with Jesus Christ to be healed from the sickness of sin! "Lord Jesus, bring me back to the place of knowing You as everything I need in this world and in the world to come! Thank You Jesus for the shocking reminder of a deadly disease! May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever. Amen."
know everything you have done. And I have placed before you an open
door that no one can close. You were not very strong, but you obeyed my
message and did not deny that you are my followers. Now
you will see what I will do with those people who belong to Satan’s
group. They claim to be Jews, but they are liars. I will make them come
and kneel down at your feet. Then they will know that I love you.You
obeyed my message and endured. So I will protect you from the time of
testing that everyone in all the world must go through.
Revelation 3:8-10
A "Time of Testing" has come upon the world. Everyone on earth is seriously threatened by, if not directly impacted by the Global Pandemic of the Corona virus!
It has stopped almost everything in it's tracks. Even professional sports has come to a halt. Political games have ceased as everyone realizes the "life and death" implications of the threat! The news this morning is that the disease is no longer seen as primarily a threat to older people. It also is a serious, and possibly life threatening illness for young people as well.
There is only one answer to this time of Corona sweeping the earth like Noah's Flood! That answer is Jesus Christ! Jesus wants every man, woman and child on earth to be saved from the consequences of Sin! Jesus is the Ark of Salvation that will shelter you from the storm and deposit you, not on Mount Ararat, but in the New Jerusalem to be with Jesus forever! Whoever you are and wherever you are on earth, it is time to call on the Name of Jesus and give your heart and everything you are to Him! Let Jesus rule the rest of your life here on earth and He will let you live with Him forever after your life on this earth is over!
If you give your heart to Jesus you will be ready to leave this earth if Corona takes your life. And Jesus will also make you ready and able to stay here and give Him glory as you tell others about your Wonderful Savior for the rest of your days here on earth!
"Lord Jesus, You are the only answer to the problem of the Global Pandemic of the Corona Virus and every other problem on the face of the earth! May your holy and righteous Name be praised now and forever. Amen!"
Click here to listen to blog God's Spirit has shown you everything. His Spirit finds out everything, even what is deep in the mind of God. You are the only one who knows what is in your own mind, and God's Spirit is the only one who knows what is in God's mind. But God has given us his Spirit. That's why we don't think the same way that the people of this world think. That's also why we can recognize the blessings that God has given us. 1 Corinthians 2:10-12 - CEVUK When God gives His Spirit to a man or woman it changes the way he or she thinks! Without the Holy Spirit living inside, a man cannot even recognize the blessings that God has given him. A man without the Holy Spirit will only imagine what life on earth is all about, but will always come up short in his understanding. He will dream up all kinds of explanations for everything he sees, but never even touch the truth which comes only from God Himself! Like an electric car without batteries, a Christian without the Holy Spirit has no link to the Power Source of Heaven which enables him to live a life like Jesus did! Without the Holy Spirit in your heart, you are unplugged from God and powerless to walk in victory here on earth! "Lord Jesus, fill my heart with Your Spirit and enable me to recognize the blessings You have given me! May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever. Amen."
Each of you is now a new person. You are becoming more and more like your Creator, and you will understand him better. It doesn't matter if you are a Greek or a Jew, or if you are circumcised or not. You may even be a barbarian or a Scythian, and you may be a slave or a free person. Yet Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us. God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you. Colossians 3:10-13 - CEVUK If you belong to Jesus, then what you were is not what you are now! Many believe that you must change your life in order to become a Christian. But the truth is Christ changes you because you have given your heart to Him! When the Holy Spirit comes into my heart and begins to direct my steps I have the power of God working in me to make me more like Jesus! It is perhaps the most amazing miracle of all! An ordinary man or woman is changed by God Himself to be like Jesus! Walking in the steps of Jesus is not simply putting your feet where His feet had been. You see, the power of God not only changes me into His image, but also enables me to relate to the world around me as Jesus did! Instead of one Man walking the earth in harmony with God's Will there are now millions of Spirit filled humans spreading the love of God to all men and inviting them to give their hearts to Jesus as well! As Watchman Nee said many years ago, the Normal Christian Life is Extraordinary indeed! "Lord Jesus, show me more today of what it means to be empowered by You to live this life on earth today and everyday for the rest of my life! May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever! Amen."