Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Send Flowers to an Atheist

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Look how the wild flowers grow! They don’t work hard to make their clothes. But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn’t as well clothed as one of these flowers.  God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. Won’t he do even more for you? You have such little faith!

Luke 12:27-28

Did you know that God designs flowers?  My daughter loves flowers.  She inherited the love of flowers from her mother.  My wife knows all the names and how to care for most of them.  We share a good size garden with my daughter in which she only plants flowers!  

When I look at flowers I imagine God at His designing table working on each one of them.  The colors range all the way from beautifully pale to stunningly bright!  The flowers on plants and trees from which we get fruit attract bees which are essential to the production of food!

The beauty and intricacy of flowers declare to me the reality of God Himself!  How could "chance" or evolution develop such fragrant beauty?  It is beyond impossible!

If you know someone who claims to be an atheist, send them a bouquet of flowers!  You can't look at the beauty of a rose and smell its fragrance and not wonder who decided that it would be the way it is!

"Lord Jesus, thank You for showing us Your greatness in everything You created!  By the way Lord, I especially love the smell of Jasmine!  Thank You for that!  May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever.  Amen."  

Friday, May 22, 2020

Are We Wise or Lazy Fools?


These Words of Wisdom come from the Bible Book of Proverbs!

I once walked by the field
and the vineyard
    of a lazy fool.
Thorns and weeds
    were everywhere,
    and the stone wall
    had fallen down.
When I saw this,
    it taught me a lesson:
Sleep a little. Doze a little.
    Fold your hands
    and twiddle your thumbs.
Suddenly poverty hits you
    and everything is gone!

Proverbs 24:30-34 (CEV)

I never met a foolish man or women who recognized their own foolishness.  Foolish people usually think they are wise in what they do.  

The world is now consumed with the "orders" from their leaders to  "Sleep a little.  Doze a little.  Fold your hands and twiddle your thumbs."  This is their instruction while we wait for the Corona virus to go away!  

The virus spread around the entire world in a short time!  The US government has decided that printing and passing out paper that looks like real money will help stop the problem.  We are like a pilot who shuts down the engines on his airplane because the turbulence is bad and then finds it very difficult to restart them before the plane crashes!

The final words of Proverbs 24 are a stunning warning to the entire world today!  "SUDDENLY POVERTY HITS YOU AND EVERYTHING IS GONE!"

"Lord Jesus, may we hear Wisdom from You about how to live in this very difficult time!  May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven even today.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen."

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Where is God in the Pandemic?

The voice of the Lord echoes over the oceans.
The glorious Lord God thunders above the roar of the raging sea, and his voice is mighty and marvelous.
 The voice of the Lord destroys the cedar trees; the Lord shatters cedars on Mount Lebanon.
 God makes Mount Lebanon skip like a calf and Mount Hermon jump like a wild ox.  The voice of the Lord makes lightning flash.

Psalm 29:3-7

How many times have you prayed, "Lord I want to hear Your voice?"  Perhaps the question should be this: How many times have  you heard God's Voice and didn't recognize it?

It is easy to ascribe to nature itself the voice and action of God!  Is the Will of God involved in the storm, the tornado, the hurricane, the tsunami or the flood?   Where is God in the Pandemic?  If God is good and He is All Powerful why does He not stop Evil that moves in the world around us?  

The answer to that and a thousand other questions is beyond our human understanding.  But this you can know for certain: God is at the top of the Pyramid of Power in the  World.  No one and no thing is greater and more powerful than God!  If something exists at all, it is because God is allowing it to be so.  

So when you are troubled by the Evil that touches your life in this World remember that it would not be able to even come near you without God Himself allowing it!  Let God show His power to you and through you as you overcome Evil every day!

"Lord Jesus, the Father used the Evil that came against You on the Cross to accomplish the greatest Good that has  ever or could ever be done on this earth!  May Your Name be praised now and forever.  Amen."

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


The last chapter in the Bible begins with these words:

"The angel showed me a river that was crystal clear, and its waters gave life. The river came from the throne where God and the Lamb were seated.  Then it flowed down the middle of the city’s main street. On each side of the river are trees that grow a different kind of fruit each month of the year. The fruit gives life, and the leaves are used as medicine to heal the nations.
God’s curse will no longer be on the people of that city. He and the Lamb will be seated there on their thrones, and its people will worship God and will see him face to face. God’s name will be written on the foreheads of the people. Never again will night appear, and no one who lives there will ever need a lamp or the sun. The Lord God will be their light, and they will rule forever."
Revelation 22:1-5
     When I open my eyes after closing them for the final time as I leave this earth, what will I see?  Perhaps an angel will be with me and show me the crystal clear river that comes from the throne of God and the Lamb!  I may see the city's Main Street with the Crystal Clear River flowing down the middle of that street.  And yes, I may gaze upon the trees that have a different kind of life giving fruit each month and leaves that heal!
     And don't forget the Face of God!  Yes, I will see His Face and on my First Day in Forever I will finally know what it will be like to have His eyes meet mine and see the One who created me and loves me beyond my fondest imagination!  And I will see Jesus who died so that I might be there!  Truthfully, I have known what Jesus looks like for a long time now, because He has spent years changing me into His likeness!  
     I will see the Name of God written on the foreheads of all the people standing there with me!  Every great artist signs his work and so does the Greatest Artist of all!  
     And that will be just the beginning of Forever with Jesus!
     "Lord Jesus, thank You for everything that has been and everything that is to come with You forever.  Praise Your Holy Name now and always.  Amen."

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

God's Many Children

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In certain ways we are weak, but the Spirit is here to help us. For example, when we don’t know what to pray for, the Spirit prays for us in ways that cannot be put into words.  All of our thoughts are known to God. He can understand what is in the mind of the Spirit, as the Spirit prays for God’s people.  We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose, and he has always known who his chosen ones would be. He had decided to let them become like his own Son, so that his Son would be the first of many children.

Romans 8:26-29

As a follower of Jesus, when you, in your weakness don't know what you pray for, the Holy Spirit prays for you.  The Spirit, who lives in your heart, goes to the Father and expresses to Him the needs that you have.  You may not even know what those needs are and the Bible does not say that the Spirit tells you!  

Then you can know that the bread you find on your table and the Wine you discover in your cup come straight from the Heart of God!  Even sorrow and pain touch your body, soul and spirit because the Holy Spirit has seen an important place for them in your life.  It is only for your good that you are pressed on every side!

And the reason all this happens is truly amazing!  God has decided to let you become like Jesus in every way so that you will be one of God's Many Children! And that is what you will be forever!

"Lord Jesus, I am amazed that the Father's plan for me is to allow me to become like You!  May I, even today see the steps You took where I can put my foot today.  May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever.  Amen."

Monday, May 18, 2020

Final Faith

God’s people must learn to endure. They must also obey his commands and have faith in Jesus.
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Put this in writing. From now on, the Lord will bless everyone who has faith in him when they die.”
The Spirit answered, “Yes, they will rest from their hard work, and they will be rewarded for what they have done.”
Revelation 14:12-13 CEV
These verses include three things that God's people must do while they wait for the return of Jesus.  God's people must learn to endure.  For every follower of Jesus Christ there will be hard, and for some, very hard times and difficult circumstances.  Tough times do not vanish because of Jesus!  Rather Jesus gives you the strength to ride out the storms of life!
We also must be obedient to the will of Jesus as we walk this valley of sorrow in a world filled with sin!  Be obedient to Jesus when His commands make sense and be obedient when you don't understand what He is telling you to do.   Even if His will makes no sense, just do it!
And finally, make it your goal to be a man or woman of faith when you die!  There are followers of Jesus who will lose their heads, literally for being called "Christian."  It is common for those who know this might happen to decide in advance what to say to the person who is intending to take their lives!  If a man or woman stands up for Jesus when he or she is about to die, no one says they had no faith!
"Lord Jesus, give me the strength to declare Your Name, even to those who would take my life for doing it!  May I have faith in You, my Lord and Savior as I breathe my last breath here on this earth. May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised now and forever.  Amen."

Sunday, May 17, 2020

One Day Closer

After this, I saw a large crowd with more people than could be counted. They were from every race, tribe, nation, and language, and they stood before the throne and before the Lamb. They wore white robes and held palm branches in their hands, 10 as they shouted,
“Our God, who sits
    upon the throne,
has the power
to save his people,
    and so does the Lamb.”
11 The angels who stood around the throne knelt in front of it with their faces to the ground. The elders and the four living creatures knelt there with them. Then they all worshiped God 12 and said,
“Amen! Praise, glory, wisdom,
    thanks, honor, power,
and strength belong to our God
    forever and ever! Amen!”
13 One of the elders asked me, “Do you know who these people are that are dressed in white robes? Do you know where they come from?”
14 “Sir,” I answered, “you must know.”
Then he told me:
“These are the ones
who have gone through
    the great suffering.
They have washed their robes
in the blood of the Lamb
    and have made them white.
15 And so they stand
    before the throne of God
and worship him in his temple
    day and night.
The one who sits on the throne
will spread his tent
    over them.
16 They will never hunger
    or thirst again,
and they won’t be troubled
by the sun
    or any scorching heat.
17 The Lamb in the center
of the throne
    will be their shepherd.
He will lead them to streams
    of life-giving water,
and God will wipe all tears
    from their eyes.”

Revelation 7:9-17 CEV

How many people will stand before the Throne of God and worship Him?  These verses clearly say that number will be "more than could be counted."  There is a verse in Matthew 7 that says that the way to God is narrow and that there will be "few" who find it.  But according to these verses in Revelation 7 even those "few" will be "more than could be counted."

Satan wants us to feel like we are vastly outnumbered by the minions of the Enemy of God!  He wants you to believe that followers of Jesus are powerless to stand against Evil in this world.  That is simply not true.  

One Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit far outnumbers all the hordes of Hell!  As a follower of Jesus Christ, you have a future that is assured by God Himself to be Eternal and Glorious in every way!  

Keep your eyes on the King and take every step in a direction that brings you closer to Him!  Shut your ears to the alluring sound of the world which calls you back into it's depressing grip!  Let the music of Praising Jesus echo in every word you speak!

"Lord Jesus, may this day bring me one day closer to the time when I will stand before You and see Your face as I praise and worship You forever!  Amen."