Monday, March 22, 2021


Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil’s tricks. We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.

Ephesians 6:10-13

Professional sports teams spend lots of time and energy studying their opponents. Then, they can put together a plan to take advantage of the other team’s weaknesses and avoid being pummeled by their strengths.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, your enemy is the Devil! Some very foolish men and women of God believe Satan is not a threat to those who have proclaimed Jesus as Lord! They are very wrong. The Devil wants to cripple your ability to function effectively in the battle against evil. Even King David did not recognize the “Enemy of Righteousness” standing with him as he peered down on Bathsheba from his roof-top.

Another way of getting into spiritual jeopardy is to ignore the defensive and offensive tools God provides for those who follow Jesus! Don’t save your Faith for “big events.” Let your trust in God function in little things every day. Otherwise, you might be like a man who refuses to walk and rides in a wheelchair because he says he is a runner! The man who will not walk, will not run!

I have a Bible with “cross-references.” It gives me a list of verses that are related to the verse I am currently reading! Immerse yourself in the Word of God so every minute of every day you can expect God to bring Scripture to your mind, which is appropriate for that moment in time!

“Lord Jesus, I need You to show me the devil’s tricks today and give me the strength to stand firm against them! I praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen.”


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