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I am shocked that you have so quickly turned from God, who chose you because of his wonderful kindness. You have believed another message, when there is really only one true message. But some people are causing you trouble and want to make you turn away from the good news about Christ.
Galatians 1:6-7
There are many jokes with the opening line of "I've got some good news and some bad news, which do you want to hear first?"
When it comes to the Story of Jesus Christ there is only Good News! The "Bad news" is what Jesus came to take away.
And the Bad news is this: All men have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God! Even though we were created by God Himself, we all have turned away from God and consequently were headed for an eternity in Hell.
But Jesus came with nothing but Good News! His Good News is that even though we all deserve Hell, Jesus died on the Cross so that no one who believes in Him will suffer the consequences of their sin.
But the Good News even gets better. If all you know is that because of Jesus you can avoid Hell, you have not yet understood the most exciting part. Jesus came not only to rescue you from Hell, but to fill you with His Holy Spirit and to prepare a place for you in Heaven where you will live with Jesus for days without end!
"Lord Jesus remind me again today of the Good News for everyone who gives themselves to You. And may You, Lord Jesus be praised forever. Amen."
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