Monday, November 2, 2009

The Lion Will Roar!

He unleashed against them his hot anger,
his wrath, indignation and hostility—
a band of destroying angels.
He prepared a path for his anger;
he did not spare them from death
but gave them over to the plague.

Psalm 78:49-50

When God set His people free from the slavery of Egypt He unleashed His “hot anger, his wrath, indignation and hostility.” There is much to learn from how God dealt with His people throuhout history.

According to many scriptures in the Bible as God prepares to free His people from the slavery of this World, He will unleash His “hot anger, His wrath, indignation and hostility” once again.

Revelation 16 speaks of “seven bowls of God’s wrath.” In this “peace at any price” world we have been taught that the LION OF JUDAH will never roar again! God is Love, how could He display anything except sweet compassion to everyone? Attempting to answer that question is a total distraction from reality. God is God and He will pour out His wrath on all who oppose Him.

God will free His people from the slavery of this world and He will pour out His wrath as He prepares to call us out of Egypt! Reread the story of the Exodus from Egypt and ponder how that time foreshadows the day in which we live.

Remember just when it appears that all is lost the water will part and we can walk across on dry land!

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