Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thrive in the Desert!

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I, the Lord, have put a curse
on those who turn from me
and trust in human strength.
They will dry up like a bush
in salty desert soil,
where nothing can grow.
But I will bless those
who trust me, the Lord.
They will be like trees
growing beside a stream—
trees with roots that reach
down to the water,
and with leaves
that are always green.
They bear fruit every year
and are never worried
by a lack of rain.

Jeremiah 17:5-8

When the drought comes and everything green turns brown there is always an exception to the parching of the earth.  A tree that is growing beside a stream or river will not feel the effects of the drought if it's roots go deep down into the water of the river.

That's how it is with many Christians. They are living on the surface water and are able to thrive when there is plenty of rain. But when the drought hits and hits hard the surface water all dries up.

If you depend totally on the rain for your spiritual life, there will come a day when the drought will take away your strength. It is only those who let their roots grow deep into the ground so they can drink from the River of Life even when there is no rain above that will thrive in the desert.

Jesus offers you a secret source of strength and life that will never dry up and will keep you fresh and green even in the most devastating drought. Spend lots of time with Jesus letting your roots grow deep into His heart. Ponder the wonders of drinking deeply of the Water of Life that comes from the Lord.

"Lord Jesus I want today to grow deeper into your heart so that all of my strength comes from You and not from this world or even my own life. Help me today to trust You more than ever before and rejoice in You and You alone! Amen."

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