Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Blind Man Sees Jesus!

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When Jesus heard what had happened, he went and found the man. Then Jesus asked, “Do you have faith in the Son of Man?”  He replied, “Sir, if you will tell me who he is, I will put my faith in him.”   “You have already seen him,” Jesus answered, “and right now he is talking with you.”  The man said, “Lord, I put my faith in you!” Then he worshiped Jesus.  Jesus told him, “I came to judge the people of this world. I am here to give sight to the blind and to make blind everyone who can see.”

John 9:35-39

The man who was born blind was healed by Jesus, but he still didn't know who Jesus was!  The power of God changed the man's life and restored his vision and yet the man was still in the dark about Jesus. 

Jesus still today touches the lives of men and woman who don't know who He is or why He came to this earth!  Every breath you take is a gift from God.  Every time you wake in the morning from a night of sleep you see a world around you that provides all your physical needs by the power of God's Grace!  Every time you are sick, Satan would like that illness to end in death.  But God created your body to fight off the infections that would otherwise destroy you!

One way to build your faith is to ask God to show you how He has, and is touching your life.  Seek to see the ways the love of Jesus is sustaining your life every day.  And as your blind eyes are opened by the power of Jesus look for His face above all else!

"Lord Jesus, I was also born blind!  I could not see the things that You want to show me.  But Jesus You have the power to heal my physical eyes, my spiritual eyes, and the eyes of my heart so that I can see everything you want me to see!  May You be praised forever.  Amen."

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