Friday, September 13, 2019

The Old Wine is Better

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Jesus then told them these sayings: No one uses a new piece of cloth to patch old clothes. The patch would shrink and make the hole even bigger.  No one pours new wine into old wineskins. The new wine would swell and burst the old skins. Then the wine would be lost, and the skins would be ruined.  New wine must be put only into new wineskins.   No one wants new wine after drinking old wine. They say, “The old wine is better.” 

Luke 5:36-39

When you first met Jesus Christ, and found out about His love for you, what a marvelous memory was burned into your brain!  Many followers of Jesus tell others about those days and call it their "testimony!"  That was when the "New Wine" entered your heart and you were thrilled and even overwhelmed to realize that having Jesus and His Holy Spirit in your heart is real in every way!

In the years since then, I do often long for the zeal and enthusiasm of youth as the Wine began to ferment and swell in my heart.  But these Words of Jesus say it clearly! "THE OLD WINE IS BETTER!"

When I was young I came to know that Jesus could heal any and every disease.  Now that I am old, I rest assured and know that being filled with the Spirit of God is better than being healed!  Then I heard His Word, now I also hear His Heart!  

Yes, old wine skins are more fragile and can break.  And that is the way it is with an old human body.  But the wine, oh the wine is so much better!

As a follower of Jesus, don't let your life be about the wineskin!  Center your heart on the Wine that Jesus poured into your heart when you gave your life to Him!  

"Thank You Jesus, for the Wine that you give to everyone who comes to You in Faith.  May Your Holy and Righteous Name be Praised, now and forever, Amen."

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