Some Pharisees asked Jesus when God's kingdom would come. He answered, “God's kingdom isn't something you can see. There is no use saying, ‘Look! Here it is’ or ‘Look! There it is.’ God's kingdom is here with you.”
Luke 17:20-21 - CEV
Some translations of these verses say that God’s Kingdom is in you, not just with you. As a follower of Jesus Christ, Jesus is the King of your life and you are His loyal subject. And all of that, is going on in your heart, all the time.
How do you know that you are a genuine Christian? You know by what is happening in your heart! If your actions are based on how you want to appear to others and not on what your heart desires because you belong to Jesus then something is wrong.
If the Kingdom of God is within you, then Jesus, through the Holy Spirit living in your heart will be directing your steps, words and actions every day! If you are not a citizen of the Kingdom you can pretend to be part of the Kingdom and some will be deceived, but not the Lord!
“Lord Jesus, may the focus of my heart be on You and doing Your Will as Your Kingdom lives within me. May Your Spirit come into my heart and rule my life, now and forever. Amen”
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