Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Open Door

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“I know your works. Because you have limited strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name, look, I have placed before you an open door that no one is able to close.”

Revelation 3:8

The essence of spiritual warfare is the struggle which goes on as Satan tries to close the open doors that God places before you.  According to this verse no one can close the door that God opens for me. 

What then keeps me from walking through the open door that God has put right there in front of me?  Usually it is fear.  I am afraid of what is on the other side of that door.

If somehow God appeared to you right how and offered to take you to Heaven in the next minute, how would you respond? Would you immediately say, "Ok let's go?" Or would you try to negotiate the perfect time to leave this earth so that everything here would be in order?  Would you put him off simply because heaven may be wonderful, but "I really want to stay here as long as I can?"

When God places an open door in our path Faith steps up to the threshold of that new place and walks right in!  If you see more than one door, then you must first determine which door is the one put there by God.  That is why daily communion with the Father is essential in the walk of Faith.

Some believers are still standing in front of the first door that God put before them trying to decide whether or not to step into the next place God wants them to go.

If it is God's open door then you can with all confidence take that step of faith to go to the other side of the open door!

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