Thursday, April 7, 2011

Persistent Discipleship

"Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

Matthew 7:7

I think every parent has spoken the words: "If you ask me one more time, the answer is NO!" As a parent this is not a Godly characteristic. God does not become annoyed by our continual asking, knocking and seeking. In fact, God rewards us for being persistent.

Everything of real value in life comes only with persistence. No young man ever won the heart of a young woman by proposing the first time he takes her to dinner. No boy ever became a professional athlete without spending hours and even years of practice and disciplined exercise.

So often someone will turn their heart to God and then pursue Him no more. Seeking God is not a one time experience. It is a "rest of your life" daily walk. There is something new for me to hear, know, and learn of God today. There is a new step to take, a new sunset to see, a new mountain to climb, and a new quiet time of intimacy with Him.

Determine to knock, seek and ask again today! God will be pleased.

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