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In those days I will give my Spirit to my servants, both men and women, and they will prophesy. I will work miracles in the sky above and wonders on the earth below. There will be blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will turn dark, and the moon will be as red as blood before the great and wonderful day of the Lord appears. Then the Lord will save everyone who asks for his help."
Acts 2: 18 - 21
The total solar eclipse of 2017 sweeping from the Pacific Coast of the United States to the Atlantic has stirred much interest across the land. A total solar eclipse brings a few minutes of darkness in the middle of the day!
Is this eclipse a random act of “Mother Nature” or a purposeful sign from the God of Heaven? The Bible is quite clear that before the coming of Jesus “the sun will turn dark.” It doesn’t say how long that darkness will last or where it will cover the earth. Could this be the Lord signaling the return of Jesus? Of course it could!
So, instead of rushing to find a place to get the best view of the total eclipse, you should rush to the arms of Jesus, in faith and total submission to Him! When you are resting in the arms of Jesus and leaning on Him for every need in your life, it will not matter what happens in the world around you and whether or not the sun shines or goes dark!
“Lord Jesus, thank You, Lord that Your light never goes out in the lives of those who place their faith in and are totally submitted to You. Praise Your Holy Name forever. Amen.”
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