Saturday, December 9, 2017

Hands Off the Wheel!

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Jews ask for miracles, and Greeks want something that sounds wise.  But we preach that Christ was nailed to a cross. Most Jews have problems with this, and most Gentiles think it is foolish.  Our message is God's power and wisdom for the Jews and the Greeks that he has chosen.  Even when God is foolish, he is wiser than everyone else, and even when God is weak, he is stronger than everyone else.

1 Corinthians 1: 22 - 25

For those who follow Jesus Christ, there is a daily recognition of the power and wisdom of God!  You see His power in the world around you as well as the power He exhibits in answer to your prayer!  Somehow we have decided that we should only pray for those things that cannot be accomplished by human strength and will.  When you do that you may be saying to God: “I can take care of most things in my life, but I do want You to help me when things are beyond my ability.”  

Certainly, God does show His power to do things we cannot do, but as in any loving relationship He can and will do things that you could do for yourself!  Does a husband only do for his wife things that she cannot do?  Of course not!  In fact, everything we do for Jesus, He could do for Himself and certainly better.  

So, today let your faith be testing by taking your hands off of the steering wheel of your life and let Jesus take control of even the simple things!  I know you will find the experience exhilarating and faith building!  When the power of God and the wisdom of God come together to guide your steps the result is more than amazing!

“Thank You Jesus for walking with me even in the ordinary times of my life.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.”

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