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After this, I looked and saw a door that opened into heaven. Then the voice that had spoken to me at first and that sounded like a trumpet said, "Come up here! I will show you what must happen next." Right then the Spirit took control of me, and there in heaven I saw a throne and someone sitting on it.
Revelation 4: 1 - 2
John the Apostle, while still alive on this earth was allowed to walk through the door of Heaven and enter the Throne Room of God! Was this just a “vision” or did John really go to Heaven and come back? The Bible does not say that John’s visit to Heaven was something that he dreamed or otherwise imagined. It simply says that the Spirit took control of him and he was “there in Heaven.”
There are people today who claim to have been also taken to Heaven for a while and then sent back to earth. Are these stories real, or are they even possible?
According to what John said in Revelation it is possible for someone to be taken to Heaven and then sent back to earth. Whether or not those who make such a claim today are telling the truth, I suppose only God knows.
But I do know this: Heaven is a real place. God is real. Jesus is real, as well as the Holy Spirit. The power of God is real and can be seen all around you in all of His creation!
The Devil began his temptation of the first man and woman by asking them if God really said that they should not eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Questioning the reality of what God has said or done is the beginning step in every sin!
You may not be taken to Heaven before you die like John was, but know for sure that if God wanted to take you there He certainly could!
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