Sunday, May 12, 2019

Work With God

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Every time I think of you, I thank my God.  And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy.  This is because you have taken part with me in spreading the good news from the first day you heard about it.  God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won't stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns.  You have a special place in my heart. So it is only natural for me to feel the way I do. All of you have helped in the work that God has given me, as I defend the good news and tell about it here in jail.  God himself knows how much I want to see you. He knows that I care for you in the same way that Christ Jesus does.  I pray that your love will keep on growing and that you will fully know and understand how to make the right choices. Then you will still be pure and innocent when Christ returns. And until that day,  Jesus Christ will keep you busy doing good deeds that bring glory and praise to God.

Philippians 1:3-11

Followers of Jesus Christ don't work for God, they work with God!  There is a big difference.  When you work for someone, anyone, you are told what to do and expected to complete each assigned task!

That is not the way it is when you are a Christian.  God begins the "work" in you, and He also gives you His Holy Spirit to empower you to be able to accomplish it!  He also keeps working with you to the very end!

In the moments before the return of Jesus to Planet Earth, His followers will be putting their hands to the plow of proclaiming His Message and encouraging others to give their hearts to Jesus!

In a basketball game, when the buzzer sounds the game is over.  When you hear the sound of the Trumpet as Jesus arrives then you can stop the work He has called you to do with His help!

"Lord Jesus, even if Your return is today, show me what You will help me do with You in the hours that are left.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen."

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