Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The First Miracle at a Wedding!

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This is how Jesus Christ was born. A young woman named Mary was engaged to Joseph from King David's family. But before they were married, she learned that she was going to have a baby by God's Holy Spirit.  Joseph was a good man and did not want to embarrass Mary in front of everyone. So he decided to quietly call off the wedding.  While Joseph was thinking about this, an angel from the Lord appeared to him in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, the baby that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and marry her.  Then after her baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”  So the Lord's promise came true, just as the prophet had said, “A virgin will have a baby boy, and he will be called Immanuel,” which means “God is with us.”

Matthew 1:18-23 - CEV

The Bible does not tell us anything about the Wedding of Joseph and Mary.  Joseph was going to call it off when he found out that Mary was pregnant.  Matthew tells us that Joseph did not want to embarrass Mary, so perhaps he was just going to call off the public celebration of their marriage.  But, an angel appeared to Joseph and told him to go ahead with the wedding!

Jesus was in His mother's womb when she married Joseph!  Jesus Himself was the first miracle at a wedding.  The "First Adam" did not come to earth as a baby.  He was formed from the dust of the ground and as far as we know was an adult when he took his first breath.  But Jesus didn't arrive on earth that way.  Jesus came as a baby and was born in a barn!  

The First Adam brought sin into the world and Jesus paid the price for all of it!  

The Christmas Story is only the first page of the final chapter of how Jesus bought you back from the control of Satan!  

Jesus is the best Christmas gift ever given!  Jesus gave you everything you will ever need for all of Eternity, if you will receive it!  All Jesus wants from you is your heart!  Lay your heart open before Jesus and let Him have control of your life, now and forever!

"Lord Jesus, You are the only Way to Heaven and the only Hope for all men!  May Your Holy Name be praised now and always!  Amen."

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