Thursday, July 14, 2016

I Am Always On His Mind!

In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. I am sure that nothing can separate us from God's love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Romans 8:37-39

The greatest peace “on earth” is in the heart of child who knows that his parents love him!  Being certain that you are loved shields your heart from the storms that would otherwise bring fear and despair!  The affirmation of a loving parent protects the mind of a child from questioning his or her own worth and purpose in the world!

The love that God has for you and me is the same!  Sit still for just a moment and ponder the fact that the Creator of all there is, who is also known as Almighty Father, loves you!  He doesn’t just know you, or even like you.  God loves you!  That means that all we know of real love is true of God’s love for you.  When there is love, the one who is loving thinks of the one who is loved “all” the time!  “You Are Always on My Mind” is not just the name of a song, it is what we do when we love someone.  And it is what God does because He loves you!  You are always on God’s mind!  

And if you love God, He is always on your mind!  Think about God when you get up in the morning.  Think about Him as you work during the day, and think about God when you go to sleep at night.  Thirst for God like a man in the desert desires a cool drink!  Let the reality of God consume your every thought!

“Lord Jesus, may You be on my mind today, even as You are always thinking about me.  Thank You Jesus for loving me!  And may You be praised forever.  Amen.”  

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