Wednesday, July 26, 2017

My Problem of Sin!

Sometimes false prophets spoke to the people of Israel. False teachers will also sneak in and speak harmful lies to you. But these teachers don't really belong to the Master who paid a great price for them, and they will quickly destroy themselves.  Many people will follow their evil ways and cause others to tell lies about the true way.  They will be greedy and cheat you with smooth talk. But long ago God decided to punish them, and God doesn't sleep.  God did not have pity on the angels that sinned. He had them tied up and thrown into the dark pits of hell until the time of judgment.  And during Noah's time, God did not have pity on the ungodly people of the world. He destroyed them with a flood, though he did save eight people, including Noah, who preached the truth.  God punished the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and this is a warning to anyone else who wants to sin.

2 Peter 2: 1 - 6

There is only one way to avoid the judgement and wrath of God!  That way is Jesus Christ Himself.  

Don’t be foolish and pretend that God will overlook sin just because your sin is not as bad as the sin of other people.  Sin is a deadly plague that covers the earth and has only one cure.  Good works, law keeping, being charitable and generous with others, and everything else you might imagine will not keep you from being held accountable for your sin!  

One bite of poisoned food can make you just as sick as eating a whole meal of contaminated cuisine!  Jesus is the answer to the problem of sin, and He is the only answer!  Nothing and no one else can keep you from the Wrath of God because of your sin!

“Lord Jesus, thank You for being the solution to my Problem of Sin!  Draw me ever closer to You today as I wait for the day of Your return.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.” 

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