Monday, October 17, 2011

Demands of Doubt

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Although Thomas the Twin was one of the twelve disciples, he wasn’t with the others when Jesus appeared to them.

So they told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But Thomas said, “First, I must see the nail scars in his hands and touch them with my finger. I must put my hand where the spear went into his side. I won’t believe unless I do this!”
A week later the disciples were together again. This time, Thomas was with them. Jesus came in while the doors were still locked and stood in the middle of the group. He greeted his disciples and said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at my hands! Put your hand into my side. Stop doubting and have faith!”

Thomas replied, “You are my Lord and my God!”
Jesus said, “Thomas, do you have faith because you have seen me? The people who have faith in me without seeing me are the ones who are really blessed!”

John 20:24-29

Judas was the betrayer, but Thomas was the doubter. Thomas needed hard evidence that Jesus really was alive. He declared that without the proof he would not believe. Jesus met Thomas and satisfied his doubt, but said that there is a greater blessing for believing without the evidence!

Thomas wanted to see the scars before he would believe. What proofs are you demanding of Jesus before you will fully give your heart to Him? Are you asking Jesus to do another miracle of healing? Are you asking Him to bring back the prodigal before you become a "sold out" believer? "Lord, if You will prosper me and take this mountain of debt away I will serve you full-time."

Just like Jesus showed Thomas the nail scars and His pierced side He sometimes satisfies our demands of doubt. But there is a greater blessing. And this blessing is simple to obtain. Write down all your demands of the Lord, take the paper and shred it, or just throw it away. You will be greatly blessed!

"Lord, if you never give me any of my demands of doubt I will love You and believe in You with all my heart."

What greater proof of Jesus do you need than to have the Love of Jesus in your heart?

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