Saturday, October 22, 2011

Freedom From Slavery!

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The Lord said to Moses, “Command Aaron to strike the ground with his walking stick, and everywhere in Egypt the dust will turn into gnats.” They obeyed, and when Aaron struck the ground with the stick, gnats started swarming on people and animals. In fact, every speck of dust in Egypt turned into a gnat.

When the magicians tried to use their secret powers to do this,t they failed, and gnats stayed on people and animals. The magicians told the king, “God has done this.” But, as the Lord had said, the king was too stubborn to listen.

Exodus 8:16-19

When God freed the Children of Israel from slavery in Egypt the king was very stubborn and would not let the people go. In fact, he made their slavery even more difficult as Moses and Aaron delivered the plagues from the hand of God. Then when God killed the first born of the all the Egyptians the king finally let them go.

When Jesus Christ frees a man or woman today from the slavery of sin it is much the same. As you prepare to leave the world and it's pull on your life, the power of God becomes evident all around. Then the king of this world, like the king of Egypt fights you at every turn and even makes things worse for a while. Finally God parts the waters and leads you across on dry land to freedom.

Don't forget that crossing the Red Sea doesn't immediately take you to the Promised Land. First you have to cross the desert wilderness. The desert can be a short time or it can take years as it did for the Israelites. No matter how long it takes your shoes and clothes will not wear out and God will feed you with special food from Heaven.

If you are not already on the journey take note, Jesus is ready to part the waters for you today. He is ready to lead you out of the slavery of sin. And the journey will take you all the way to the throne room of God! I assure you it will be worth the trip!

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