Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jesus and Sin!

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Christ Jesus our Lord was very kind to me. He has greatly blessed my life with faith and love just like his own. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” This saying is true, and it can be trusted. I was the worst sinner of all!

I Timothy 1:14-15

Why do women insist that "love stories" are for women? If I remember correctly half of any love story is a man who gives his heart to the "love of his life!" God gave everyone on earth the desire to be in a loving relationship. God made us to need air, water, nourishment, and someone to love. Faith and love are the essence of that relationship. It is the perfect picture of Jesus and His bride!

The "fly" in the healing ointment of love is sin. Sin breaks the trust and pulls the plug on faith and love. Sin only tears down. It never builds up. Sin opens the door for love to leave and pushes hard until it does. So is there hope?

Oh yes! The Apostle Paul says that he was the worst sinner of all. Think of all the evil and wicked people in this world. Paul rated himself beyond any of them in sin. But because of the "endless patience of Christ Jesus" Paul came to know forgiveness and a perfect loving relationship with Jesus.

Is there sin in your life? There is only one answer, and only one way to deal with it. Jesus Himself is that answer.

If you think you know what love is all about and you have never been in love with Jesus, you have a great surprise on the other side of giving your heart to Him. The greatest love story between a man and a woman is only a shadow of the love story between you and Jesus. Loving Jesus will change your life completely and forever!

Give your heart to Jesus and let Jesus take care of the sin in your life! Jesus died on the Cross with your sin, but only Jesus came back to life!

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