Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father. That is all we need.”
Jesus replied:
Philip, I have been with you for a long time. Don't you know who I am? If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. How can you ask me to show you the Father? Don't you believe that I am one with the Father and that the Father is one with me? What I say isn't said on my own. The Father who lives in me does these things.
Have faith in me when I say that the Father is one with me and that I am one with the Father. Or else have faith in me simply because of the things I do. I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me, you will do the same things I am doing. You will do even greater things, now that I am going back to the Father. Ask me, and I will do whatever you ask. This way the Son will bring honor to the Father. I will do whatever you ask me to do.
John 14:8-14
Phillip said that all we need is to see God! Then Jesus made a most remarkable response when He told Phillip that if he had seen Jesus he had seen God!
Faith opens the eyes of the blind, not only for those who are physically sightless, but especially for those who are spiritually without sight. When you choose to believe in Jesus an entirely new and beautiful world appears before your eyes! You see love like you have never seen it before. You see love as the essence of God Himself falling like morning dew on His children!
Then repentance takes away the heavy protective shield you have spent your life and energy holding between you and God. You no longer need to cover your own sin. Jesus covers it for you and you are free to love Him even as He loves you!
Twice in these verses Jesus says "I will do whatever you ask me to do." That is perhaps the most mind boggling statement in all of Scripture. That promise of doing whatever you ask is only when you truly have faith in Jesus.
Faith and repentance will open the door where you will see God and begin an eternal adventure with Jesus!