Only God gives inward peace, and I depend on him. God alone is the mighty rock that keeps me safe, and he is the fortress where I feel secure.
God saves me and honors me. He is that mighty rock where I find safety.
Psalm 62:5-7
If a country is not "at peace", then of course you would say that the country is "at war".
Deep inside your heart, is there peace or war? Is your mind, heart and soul enjoying the calm of knowing that your life is in the Hand of God, or are you filled with turmoil and uncertainty? I suppose if "War is Hell" then "Peace is Heaven!"
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then your peace is peace "in" this world, not peace "with" the world! There is a huge difference.
When you are at peace with the world, then you are always ready to compromise the truth of God for a lie of Satan.
When you are at peace in this world, your calm heart does not depend on anything which happens here on earth. Your peace comes not from things on earth, but things in Heaven.
When you are at peace in this world you can proclaim that "All is Well" even when the storms of life are raging all around. Let your peace come from Jesus and not from the circumstances of your life here on earth.
"Lord Jesus, give me the peace that can only come from knowing You. Give me the calm assurance that all is well because of You, Jesus and nothing else! May Your Holy Name be praised forever. Amen."
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