Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Ark of God's Love!

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Christ died once for our sins. An innocent person died for those who are guilty. Christ did this to bring you to God, when his body was put to death and his spirit was made alive.  Christ then preached to the spirits that were being kept in prison.   They had disobeyed God while Noah was building the boat, but God had been patient with them. Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood.  Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you. But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death.  Christ is now in heaven, where he sits at the right side of God. All angels, authorities, and powers are under his control.

1 Peter 3: 18 - 22

In these verses the Bible compares the waters of the great flood to the waters of Baptism.  The flood waters both took the lives of all living land creatures and lifted the Ark of Noah above the waters so that he, his family and the animals in the Ark were saved from death!  Now, here is the part of these verses that I find difficult to understand.  They say that after Jesus died He preached to the spirits of those people who died in the flood!  

I think this is one of the things in the Bible that I will never understand this side of Heaven.  I don't see any other Scripture talking about people being able to "come to Jesus" after they die.  It even says that once we die then comes the "judgment."  

So here is the lesson for my life.  I must believe in and trust Jesus and every Word I find in the Bible, even though I know that I cannot fully understand the Truth of God!  I am not able to know everything and I am not able to understand everything.  What I am able to do, and this I must do, is to love Jesus and trust Him with all my heart as I obey every Word that comes from Him!

The mysteries of God are great, even for those who love Him and can be called His children, but the love of God is the greatest thing of all!  And that love, which comes from the Father is poured out on His children through the Blood of Jesus!  

"Thank You Jesus that one day we will in Heaven understand all mysteries.  But thank You even more that right now here on earth we can live in the Ark of Your Love.  Praise Your Holy Name, now and forever.  Amen."

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