Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Great Escape

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We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God's own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness.  God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.

2 Peter 1:3-4

Do you struggle with sin?  Often it is the same sin over and over.  You think you have finally put that sin out of your life, and then it comes back!  Sometimes its comes back stronger than ever before.  How do you finally get rid of that sin?

These verses in 2 Peter chapter 1 tell us the answer to and solution for the addiction of sin.  God does not sin and when His nature becomes a part of you, you will not sin either!  It really is that simple and that profound.  

You will be like Jesus.  It was the nature of God in Jesus Christ that enabled His human flesh to always say no to Satan!  The Holy Spirit living in your heart will do the same for you.  

A victorious life on this earth is one that is filled with the Nature of God and controlled by the Holy Spirit Himself!  That man or woman will be able by the power of God to escape evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world!

Any other way of self discipline or personal rehabilitation will ultimately fail!  Unless you are empowered by God to overcome evil, you will not overcome it!

"Lord Jesus, thank You for making a way for me to live as You did and have the Victory because of Your Precious Blood!  Praise Your Name Now and Forever.  Amen."

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