Saturday, December 19, 2009

God’s Elevator!

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!

Luke 1:45

Faith without works may be dead, but works without faith is a great way to miss some wonderful blessings. I have what I believe to be a completely reasonable fear of heights. External elevators with glass walls on tall buildings bring me no joy. If I ride such a device I usually stand next to the door and purposely ignore the grand view for which the elevator was designed in the first place. The fear of heights though is really a misnomer. I am not afraid of heights, I am afraid of falling!

Both Mary and her cousin Elizabeth were taken by God to heights of spiritual experience from which the view must have been utterly amazing. They not only were the mothers of Jesus and John the Baptist but they were told by God even before the birth of the babies how very special the boys would be. We can’t even imagine the conversations Mary and Elizabeth had during the time that Mary stayed with Elizabeth before the birth of Jesus, but the words of Elizabeth in Luke 1:45 probably sum up their dialogue.

“Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"

The hard part for both Mary and Elizabeth was to believe God! Imagine how many times both of them were tempted to doubt that these amazing pregnancies were really as they had been told, but they were blessed because they both believed.

Believing God to accomplish what He has promised is a little like watching the glorious view from the glass walled elevator as it ascends to the top floor of the building. As the Lord is taking you to the heights you close your eyes and look the other way because you are afraid you might fall!

When I close my eyes in a glass walled elevator it is because I do not trust the maker of the elevator with my life. When I close my eyes to the glories around me as a follower of Jesus it is because I do not trust the Maker of the Universe with my life!

When you get on the Glass Walled Elevator of God push the button for Heaven, open your eyes, look at the view and enjoy the ride! There is nothing else like it on earth.

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