Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Run for Higher Ground!

" 'I the LORD have spoken. The time has come for me to act. I will not hold back; I will not have pity, nor will I relent. You will be judged according to your conduct and your actions, declares the Sovereign LORD.' "

Ezekiel 24:14

When a Tsunami approaches a coastline there can be a phenomenon called “drawback.” Before the wave hits the water pulls away from the shore leaving the sea bed dry and luring the curious into the trap of a watery grave! So now you know that if you see the water receding from the beach it is time to run as fast as you can the other direction and look for high ground. Higher ground is your only hope of not being swept away in the Tsunami that is approaching.

If you are at sea when the Tsunami passes your location you may not even feel the wave go by. Because of the depth of the water a huge Tsunami may only feel like a small wave. So truthfully, the safest place to be when the destructive Tsunami hits is out in the deep water.

Like a Tsunami in the ocean the judgment of God is coming on the whole earth. There is no escape. God’s justice is perfect and His judgment is certain. Only those who depend on Jesus Christ will be spared from the wave of destruction that is coming. On that day the sky may be blue and the sun shining brightly when the “drawback” starts and your curiosity pulls you even more into harm’s way.

If you can hear the warning now, it is time to run for the higher ground of Jesus Christ. It seems the drawback is already starting and things are being exposed that have never been exposed before. Run to Jesus! Let him lift you high above the danger. If you are already in the deep water with Jesus rejoice that being in the depths with Jesus is the safest place to be in the Tsunami that is coming.

Don’t be tempted by the drawback and lured out into the now dry seabed as you study things that have never before been exposed. God’s Tsunami exposes the corruption and then washes it away! Your job is to run for higher ground!

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